Wilberforce Achoka: Pastor who Married a Form Two Dropout, Took Almost Ksh 1 Million Loan to Educate Her, Only to Be Dumped Once She Got a Job in Dubai

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In the labyrinth of life, we often encounter unexpected twists that challenge our resilience and strength.

Such is the story of Wilberforce Achoka, a man whose life took a dramatic turn from hope to despair and, ultimately, redemption.

Achoka’s story began  with love—a love that transcended societal norms.

He met his girlfriend while he was already married with children.

Their paths crossed at a friend’s event, and despite the complexities of his existing family life, a connection sparked.

Love at first sight, they say, and Achoka embraced it. He decided to make this unconventional relationship official by introducing his girlfriend to his wife and, subsequently, to both families.

”I introduced her to my wife although it wasn’t easy. I also went ahead and introduced myself to her family and they allowed me to marry her.” Achoka recalled.

The narrative took a positive turn as Achoka, fueled by love and a desire to uplift his partner, took significant steps to invest in her future.

His girlfriend, a former Form Two dropout after a school pregnancy, expressed a fervent wish to resume her education.

Achoka, working as a factory supervisor at the time, took it upon himself to support her educational journey.

”I enrolled her back in school and educated her up to the college level. After Form Four I enrolled her at Utalii college where she pursued hotel management. She started with a certificate and then upgraded to a diploma,” Achoka said.

The couple weathered the storms together, building a foundation based on mutual support and shared dreams.

The pivotal moment arrived when a friend working at the airport informed Achoka about a job opportunity in Dubai.

An opportunity that could potentially elevate their lives. Without hesitation, Achoka delved into the complexities of securing this chance for his partner.

He took loans, borrowed from friends, and even resorted to bribing the recruiter with over Sh800,000 to ensure her successful placement.

” I was okay with this because her starting salary was more than Sh150,000 and I was assured of recovering the money in the first few months,” he said.

However, fate had a different script written.

The moment his girlfriend set foot in Dubai, the harmony they had built began to unravel.

Communication dwindled, and when it did happen, it was laden with unforeseen challenges. The woman who once encouraged him to take loans for their shared future now dismissed him over financial matters.

”Everything changed immediately after she set foot on the flight. Although we talked the first three weeks after she left, immediately after she received her first payment things went haywire. I remember I texted her to inquire about the mode of paying back the loans and when she responded I just knew she was a problem.” Achoka recalled.

The aftermath was a downhill spiral for Achoka.

Burdened by over a million in debt, he had to liquidate his assets, including a car and four storage plots.

This marked the descent of his life from grace to grass.

Consumed by stress and despair, he attempted suicide twice. Alcohol became his solace, leading to job loss and perilous incidents while intoxicated.

However, life had not abandoned Achoka entirely. A brush with death due to health complications from excessive drinking served as a wake-up call.

After undergoing surgery and surviving the ordeal, Achoka found solace and purpose in an unexpected place—he became a pastor.

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