Andrew Levi: Meet Strathmore University Lecturer Playing Junior Katana In Citizen TV’s ‘Becky’ Series

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Andrew Levi has emerged as a fresh and captivating face, earning acclaim for his role as Junior Katana in Citizen TV’s hit series ‘Becky.’ Levi’s journey from the hallowed halls of academia to the limelight of the television screen is a testament to the unpredictability of life’s twists and turns.

A Global Beginning

Born in Zambia to parents deeply entrenched in Kenya’s diplomatic circles, Levi’s early years were marked by a nomadic lifestyle. His parents’ diplomatic roles took the family across continents, from the cultural richness of Britain to the historical landscapes of Israel and the bustling streets of China.

Levi’s formative years were a tapestry of diverse experiences, laying the foundation for a global perspective that would later enrich his acting career.

For his primary and secondary education, Levi found himself at the esteemed Brookhouse Group of Schools in Karen, Nairobi.

This institution, known for its academic excellence, has also proven to be a fertile ground for nurturing artistic talents, having produced notable figures in Kenya’s entertainment scene such as Size 8, Kagwe Mungai, Emmanuel Jal, and Janet Mbugua.

Academic Pursuits at Oxford and Cambridge

Following his education at Brookhouse, Levi continued his academic journey at two of the world’s most prestigious universities, Oxford and Cambridge.

Focused on careers in law and medicine, Levi’s pursuit of knowledge took him to new heights. The corridors of these renowned institutions not only shaped his intellectual acumen but also provided a platform for personal growth and exploration.

After successfully navigating the rigorous academic landscapes of Oxford and Cambridge, Levi found himself at a crossroads.

His career trajectory took an unexpected turn as he ventured into the corporate world, assuming a senior position. Simultaneously, he delved into academia, sharing his knowledge as a lecturer at Strathmore University.

The Call of the Stage

Despite a successful career in the corporate and academic realms, Levi harbored a lifelong passion for acting. From the tender age of 4, he had been drawn to the allure of the stage, showcasing his acting prowess throughout his formative years. However, his parents, recognizing the uncertainties of a career in the arts, often steered him towards the stability of academia.

It was a pivotal moment in Levi’s life, the passing of his father from cancer, that prompted a reevaluation of priorities. Confronted with the brevity of life, Levi made a bold decision to pursue his long-suppressed dream of becoming an actor. The catalyst for this decision was an Instagram advertisement calling for auditions for a new Swahili series named ‘Becky.’

The Audition that Changed Everything

Levi’s journey into ‘Becky’ began with a simple application in response to the Instagram casting call. Unbeknownst to him, this decision would alter the course of his life. A face-to-face audition revealed that Levi’s destiny was intertwined with the unconventional selection process employed by Jiffy Pictures, the production company behind ‘Becky’ and owned by the influential television duo, Lulu Hassan and Rashid Abdalla.

Choosing the character of Junior Katana, Levi found striking parallels between the role and his own life. The auditions, far from the conventional casting calls, observed candidates from the moment they entered the gate, scrutinizing their interactions and demeanor. Levi’s challenge came in the form of a scene requiring him to shed genuine tears – a moment of vulnerability that left him uncertain about his chances.

However, destiny had other plans. A few days after the audition, Levi received the unexpected call that he had clinched the role. Despite his modesty, acknowledging that anyone could have secured the position, Levi stepped into the spotlight as Junior Katana in ‘Becky.’

Navigating Challenges in the Limelight

Transitioning from the corporate boardroom to the world of television brought its own set of challenges for Levi. The actor had to master the delicate art of balancing emotions everywhere, from the screen to everyday life. Late-night rehearsals extending for weeks and the unpredictability of outdoor shoots, often in chilly conditions, added layers of complexity to his newfound career.

Despite the hurdles, Levi’s commitment to his role in ‘Becky’ remained unwavering. The series, now delighting audiences for over two months, has become a platform for Levi to showcase his talent and for viewers to witness the evolution of a newcomer in the industry.

Hopes for the Future

As ‘Becky’ continues to captivate audiences in Kenya, Levi harbors aspirations for the series to extend its popularity beyond national borders. He expressed a desire for the show to be subtitled, allowing viewership in other African countries such as Nigeria and South Africa. Levi’s wish reflects not only the global appeal of the series but also his hopes for a broader recognition of Kenyan talent in the wider African entertainment landscape.

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