Nisha Jepkoech: The Nandi Woman Who Quit School in Form Four to Cook Chapati, Now Making Ksh 5,500 per Day

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With the high cost of living currently affecting the country and many individuals grappling with the challenge of securing employment as the unemployment rate continues to rise, one individual, Nisha Jepkoech, decided to take a different path and entered the world of business after completing her secondary school education.

Here is her story as narrated by AwuorInspirationalHub.

Upon completing her high school education, Nisha contemplated the prospect of moving to Eldoret or Nairobi, like many young individuals seeking opportunities in bustling urban centers.

However, the tales of friends who still grappled with challenges after migrating to larger towns gave her pause.

It was these stories that fueled a spark within Nisha, motivating her to consider an alternative route to success – entrepreneurship.

Nandi Hills, her hometown, became the canvas upon which Nisha painted her entrepreneurial dreams.

Recognizing the universal appeal of well-cooked chapatis, she decided to venture into the chapati-making business. Armed with a humble bag of wheat flour, Nisha’s enterprise took root.

Over time, her modest beginnings blossomed into a daily production of an entire bundle of chapatis.

Not content with merely offering chapatis, she diversified her menu to include tea and chips, expanding her daily sales to an impressive Ksh5,500.

At the tender age of 23, Nisha embodies the spirit of hard work and independence.

Her business, which has thrived for two years, not only provides her with a sustainable income but affords her the ability to meet her personal needs.

“Just like any other young lady, I have a lot of needs, which is why I work hard to earn a living rather than depend on my parents. With this business that has lasted two years, I provide for all personal effects that a lady requires, pay Ksh5,000 rent, and put food on the table,” she was quoted by Kenya News Agency.

Nisha’s commitment to her business extends beyond personal gains. Recognizing the importance of giving back and creating opportunities, she has employed two individuals who assist in managing her kiosk.

“I have employed two ladies who assist me in my kiosk, for whom I pay Sh300 per day. They help me supply orders to my customers while I am busy cooking. I know that by the time they leave this place, they will have acquired the skill of chapati cooking that I also learnt from my mother,” she told KNA.

A day in the life of Nisha begins at the break of dawn, with the aroma of freshly made chapatis filling the air by 6 a.m. for those seeking an early breakfast.

The business operates until 10 p.m., catering to a diverse clientele that spans boda boda riders, office workers, students, and businesspeople.

Looking toward the horizon, Nisha harbors dreams of expanding her entrepreneurial footprint by owning a restaurant. Her journey serves as an inspiration to fellow youths, urging them to explore the vast landscape of entrepreneurial opportunities.

From hawking household items to selling cereals or roasting maize, Nisha advocates for the myriad possibilities that require minimal skills.


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