Student Who Scored 273 in KCPE Turns Out to Score Grade A in KCSE

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A student from Mioro Secondary School in Mathioya, Murang’a County, who scored 273 marks in the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE), has made Kenyans proud after achieving a grade A- in the recently released Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE).

Paul Kihumba, who had sat for the KCSE in 2022 but received a B-, a result that did not sit well with him, decided to repeat Form Four, where he finally scored an impressive A-.

“I have really worked hard to score the 78 points, and I am happy with what I have achieved. My ambition is to undertake a course in Information Technology at the University of Nairobi,” he said.

He attributed his success to the efforts he put in, waking up early to go to school and starting his studies by 6 am in the morning.

He also affirmed that he would spend the night in school after late-night studies.

Following his impressive performance, Kihumba is now appealing to well-wishing Kenyans to come to his aid, as his pursuit of higher education might be cut short due to the financial constraints his family is going through

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