Ahmed Jabri: How I Started with 1,500 Chicks and Ended Up Producing 20,000 Chickens Monthly.

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In the heart of Kilifi, Kenya, there’s a poultry farm that’s defying the odds and setting new standards in the industry.

The Sheikh Commercial Poultry Farm, owned by the visionary businessman Najma Ahmed Jabri, is making headlines for its remarkable achievements in just two short years. This thriving farm, producing an astonishing 20,000 chickens every month, stands as a testament to the potential for success in the world of poultry farming.

A Modest Start with Big Dreams

Sheikh Commercial Poultry Farm’s journey began with a modest investment. Just two years ago, the farm ventured into poultry farming with only 1,500 day-old chicks, each acquired for a mere Sh. 65, totaling Sh. 97,500. What makes this success story truly inspiring is that it all started with a relatively small initial investment, proving that with dedication and innovation, poultry farming can be a profitable venture.

The farm’s infrastructure is designed for efficiency and productivity. The poultry houses are spacious, ensuring smooth airflow and proper ventilation, which are crucial for the well-being of the birds.

The floor of the chicken houses is layered with wood shavings to maintain hygiene and provide comfort for the chickens.

The farm has also introduced innovative features like raised beds and automatic drinkers that draw water from a 5,000-liter tank, enhancing the facilities further.

Commitment to Hygiene and Care

A key factor behind the farm’s success is its unwavering commitment to the well-being of its chickens.

A team of 20 dedicated workers ensures that the premises are kept clean and that the houses are regularly disinfected before the arrival of new batches of one-day-old chicks.

This dedication to hygiene plays a vital role in producing healthy and thriving chickens consistently.

The Careful Rearing Process

Upon the arrival of broiler chicks from Kenchic in Nairobi and Isinya, the farm prioritizes their well-being. The brooder environment is maintained at a temperature ranging between 33 to 35°C to ensure the comfort and health of the young chicks. Feeders and drinkers are strategically positioned for easy access, and the chicks are provided with anti-stress multivitamins to counter the stress of long-distance travel.

Fresh feeds and continuous access to water are essential for the chicks’ growth and development during their first five days. Regular water changes, sometimes up to three times a day, ensure that the chicks have access to clean and fresh water, preventing early mortality.

Vaccination and Disease Management

To protect the chickens from common diseases, vaccination is a top priority. Newcastle disease is addressed on day seven, followed by Gumboro on day 14 and another Newcastle vaccination on day 21.

Antibiotics like Aliseryl, Limoxin, and Anticox are administered as needed to treat Gumboro and Newcastle. This proactive approach to disease management ensures the chickens remain healthy and disease-free.

Achieving Market-Ready Weight

The journey from day-old chicks to market-ready chickens involves careful feeding. A broiler chicken typically consumes approximately 1kg of starter mash, 1.5kg of grower’s mash, and 1.5kg of finisher feed to reach an optimal market weight of around 1.5kg.

This meticulous feeding process ensures that the chickens are healthy, well-nourished, and ready for the market.

A Thriving Business Model

Upon reaching maturity, the chickens are sold to hotels in Mombasa and Kilifi, primarily by weight. Each carcass weighs between 1.5kg and 2kg, with prices ranging from Sh. 495 to Sh. 660. This lucrative market has not only allowed Sheikh Commercial Poultry Farm to thrive but also to make a significant contribution to the local economy.

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