Shock as wife chops-off husband’s Testicles for failing to make her reach cloud nine

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In a shocking and disturbing incident in Akolone village, Igembe North Constituency, a 56-year-old man is currently recovering at Nyambene Hospital in Meru County after his wife, in her mid-40s, allegedly chopped off one of his testicles.

The woman, identified as Karambu Meme, is said to have carried out this brutal act due to her perceived sexual dissatisfaction.

According to Ntunene area Assistant Chief Edward Mutalii, who confirmed the incident, he rushed to the scene after receiving the distressing news.

To his horror, part of the victim’s testicles was found on the floor of their home.

Family members, who were present during the incident, revealed that the woman had subjected her husband, Meme Kabati, to painful squeezing of his genitals on a regular basis, expressing her discontent with their sexual relationship.

Law enforcement authorities arrived at the scene, processed the evidence, and apprehended the woman. She is currently in custody, awaiting arraignment for her alleged actions.

This deeply unsettling incident serves as a reminder of the importance of addressing relationship issues through open and respectful communication.

Acts of violence and harm are never acceptable solutions and can lead to severe consequences for both parties involved.

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