Emma: How I Rose From A Househelp In Nairobi Streets To Owning 150 Acres of Land in Norway

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Emma, a special needs teacher and a farmer, found herself in the spotlight on an episode of “Daring Abroad” by Alex Chamwada.

The interview unveiled how Emma evolved  from a form 4 dropout and househelp in Nairobi to becoming a landowner in Norway.

Her early life was marked by the challenges of growing up in a single-parent family.

Raised by her mother alongside seven siblings—three girls and four boys—Emma’s family faced economic constraints that dictated the trajectory of her and her sisters’ lives.

In a heartbreaking revelation during the interview, Emma shared that some of her sisters were married off at a tender age, as their mother struggled to afford education for all her children.

Emma herself had to abandon her education after completing Form Four due to the inability to meet the required school fees.

The turning point in Emma’s life came when she decided to move to Nairobi, seeking opportunities amid the bustling city.

She found employment as a househelp, navigating the challenges of urban life.

However, amidst the struggles, she discovered solace and purpose in an evangelical organization called Life Ministries, where she joined as a singer.

This unexpected twist in her journey laid the foundation for a series of events that would redefine her life.

In the year 2000, Emma embarked on a life-altering trip to Norway as part of a singing and evangelizing tour organized by Life Ministries.

Little did she know that this excursion would be the catalyst for a profound change in her destiny. It was during this tour that she met Ole Christian, her future husband, just three weeks before they were set to return to Kenya.

“We fell in love with each other, and we got married a year after,” Emma’s husband recalled, emphasizing the spontaneity and intensity of their connection.

Their love story unfolded against the backdrop of diverse cultural backgrounds, continents, and races, defying societal norms and expectations.

Despite initial reservations and requests from Emma’s Kenyan pastor to avoid marriage in Norway, the couple’s determination prevailed.

Emma’s husband, Ole Christian, acknowledged that their community in Rakkestad was not accustomed to individuals from African communities, let alone marriages with Africans.

Nevertheless, he took bold steps to bridge the cultural gap by visiting Emma’s family in Mbale. In a poignant display of commitment, he paid a dowry of six cows, symbolizing the union of two families across continents.

Their commitment to each other went beyond conventional norms, breaking barriers and stereotypes. Ole Christian and Emma not only built a life together in Norway but also invested in Emma’s roots in Kenya.

They purchased a plot for Emma’s parents and constructed a house, showcasing a harmonious fusion of cultures and an unwavering bond.

Today, Emma resides in Rakkestad with her husband and family, working as a special needs teacher and cultivating the land they own. Her journey encapsulates the transformative power of love, resilience, and the pursuit of dreams.

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