Man Sells His Cars, Lands, and Business Shops to Sponsor Girlfriend’s Education in Canada, Only to End Up Dumped After Graduation

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After investing deeply in his relationship with Aisha, Selemen Hussein found himself abandoned and destitute, resorting to collecting and selling plastic bottles to survive.

Hussein was deepy in love with Aisha, whom he supported financially and emotionally through her education.

“I sold cars, lands, and business shops to raise money for her education, stipend, and financial debts, but she betrayed me. Why did you do this to me, Aisha?” he painfully cried as he spoke to Afrimax English.

His commitment was met with betrayal when Aisha chose to leave him for another man when he sponsored his education to go and study in Canada.

“I was moved with compassion to help her when she told me about her huge financial debt. As a loving and caring boyfriend, I gave up my possessions and business to help her, but she turned against me,” the young man said.

Despite facing homelessness and abandonment by both his lover and family, Hussein refused to succumb to despair. Instead, he found strength in the simple act of collecting and selling plastic bottles to make ends meet.

“My parents had warned me against girls and money. Now, I am left homeless and destitute as my family also abandoned me. I collect and sell plastic bottles for a living,” the Tanzanian painfully said.

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