Students Who Scored 374 Marks in KCPE Return to Grade 6 After Parents Failed To Raise Secondary School Fees

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Teachers and pupils of a school in Kokuro area of Awendo, Migori County, are in shock after their best-performing candidate in the 2023 KCPE exam returned to the institution to enroll for Grade 6.

Jerry Orido, who scored 374 marks in the KCPE exams, was supposed to be joining high school like his peers, but instead opted to return to St Mercy Primary, a school where he sat for the national examinations, to enroll as a pupil.

But why?

According to Orido, he took the drastic decision after it dawned on him that his parents are unable to pay his secondary school fees.

He was to join Kanga High School.

Orido says that it pains him that students he defeated hands down in the national exam are joining secondary schools while he is unable to pursue his dreams.

He adds that he could not join Grade 7 or Grade 8, since students of those classes also pay school fees.

Nonetheless, Orido still hopes that a Good Samaritan will come to his aid and sponsor his secondary school education.

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