Hashiki Simu: Sad as Mother to Bradley Marongo Seeks Media Help, Claims Son No Longer Calls or Supports Her

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In a heartfelt and emotional revelation, Bradley Marongo’s mother has opened up about her strained relationship with her son, a rising Gen Z star.

According to her, Bradley no longer answers her calls and has distanced himself ever since his wealth and fame skyrocketed.

Speaking to the media, the mother expressed the pain of being cut off by her son, who she claims does not pick up her calls and barely communicates.

“Even if I call him right now, he won’t pick,” she lamented. She explained that the last time they spoke was on Monday, but even then, their conversation was brief and cold.

Bradley reportedly did not allow her to talk for long, indicating his reluctance to engage in conversation.

The distressed mother further attributed the growing gap in their relationship to the people managing Bradley’s career. She claimed that his management has negatively influenced him, preventing him from maintaining contact or offering her any kind of support.

“The managers he has are bad—they don’t want him to give me anything or talk to me,” she revealed, adding that it has become harder for her to reach her son.

The revelations have stirred a wave of concern among the public, as many sympathize with the mother’s plight.

The story raises deeper questions about the pressures and sacrifices that accompany fame and success and how personal relationships often bear the brunt.

Despite the ongoing struggles, Bradley’s mother hopes for reconciliation, though it remains unclear if the young star will respond to her call for help.

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